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Current Affairs Review
Huge Military Budgets Make Us Broke, Not Safe
By Miriam Pemberton   2018-02-15
Backing down from nuclear war would make us a lot safer than piling more money into the Pentagon.
Imperialism on Trial (Videos)
By George Galloway & Eva Bartlett   2018-02-14
Tomgram: Tomgram: Michael Klare, Militarizing America's Energy Policy, Militarizing America's Energy Policy
By Tomgram: Michael Klare, Milita   2018-02-14
Liberal Totalitarianism and the Trump Diversion
By AJAMU BARAKA   2018-02-14
The hallelujah cure: Trump campaign adviser says pray away the flu
By Jerry Adler   2018-02-13
With The New Legalist editor's comment
Trump’s Durable Base: Eight Reasons
By Xinfajia   2018-02-13
The Next Big Fight: Social Security, Medicare,...
By Robert B. Reich   2018-02-12
Fresh off passing massive tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy, Trump and congressional Republicans want to use the deficit they’ve created to justify huge cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid through wrongly called "entitlement reform". Social Security and Medicare are not “entitlements,” as if they’re some kind of giveaway, but Americans’ own money they’re getting back through these programs. Don’t let them get away with it.
The death knell for unions? Supreme Court gets to decide
By Steve Kurtz   2018-02-12
What Popularism Is And Why It's So Compelling
By The Federalist   2018-02-11
Is the Stock Market Rigged?
By Paul Craig Roberts, etc.   2018-02-11
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