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Current Affairs Review
China's Xinjiang to invest in poorest areas
By Xinhua   2018-02-24
China’s anti-pollution war uses 60,000+ soldiers, artillery, and planes for tree planting and rain making
By brian wang   2018-02-24
FBI director slammed over ‘Chinese spies’ claim in the US
By DOUG TSURUOKA   2018-02-23
Civic group hits back and says Christopher Wray's remarks about Chinese academics and students are 'disturbing and prejudicial'
Florida 'Teacher of the Year' calling on parents to prevent ... mass school shooting
By Kelly Guthrie Raley   2018-02-22
Kelly Guthrie Raley, 41, was named 'Teacher of the Year' at her Florida school / She's being recognized for her commentary following the tragic Florida shooting / Raley looks at how things have changed over the last 20 years / She noted how American culture contributed to Wednesday's shootings / The middle school teacher told parents they need to 'STEP UP,' explaining that much of the cultural problem begins at home
Treating North Korea Rough
By Edward Hunt   2018-02-22
Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer Exposes the Shadow Government (Video)
By Kevin Shipp   2018-02-22
Are Modern Cities Sustainable?
By SUSAN ROBERTS   2018-02-22
They are cancerous growths on Mother Earth's body and will kill her and humanity in the foreseeable future if we do not mend our capitalistic ways. -- The New Legalist editor
America’s Cult of Violence Turns Deadly
By John W. Whitehead   2018-02-21
We are a military culture engaged in continuous warfare. We have been a nation at war for most of our existence. We are a nation that makes a living from killing through defense contracts, weapons manufacturing and endless wars. We are being fed a steady diet of violence through our entertainment, news and politics.
The Gun Violence the Media Shows Us and the State Violence They Don’t
By Nick Pemberton   2018-02-21
What is not said enough is that gun violence is a natural consequence of a society that solves its problems through violence and conquest abroad. A society that defines success as profit off of others no doubt makes others into adversaries... we must know that such outbursts from the margins of society are a result of something larger. That cruelty and violence are so often legalized and celebrated in our society that it creates people who take capitalism and its consequences to their logical conclusion.
Elizabeth Warren Celebrates 'Real' Pocahontas and Denounces U.S. Treatment of Native Americans
By Carlos Ballesteros ,Newsweek   2018-02-21
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