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Current Affairs Review
Editorial: Destructive street behavior needs a better answer
By Chronicle Editorial Board   2018-02-20
In atomized Britain, a collective push to tackle loneliness
By Nicola Slawson   2018-02-20
Britons are more prone to social isolation than other Europeans, and researchers say the cost for society in lost productivity and poor health is rising. A new minister of loneliness is tasked with finding solutions. / Is this happening in Europe only? -- The New Legalist editor
Making America Great Through Exploitation, Servitude and Abuse
By James Petras   2018-02-19
The Limits of #MeToo: Sectionalism, Economism, and “Identity Politics” on the Left
By ANTHONY DIMAGGIO   2018-02-19
We need a broad-based left movement today, and the potential for such a coalition becomes more feasible considering mass public anger over institutionalized sexism, racism, and classism. Mass anger is the foundation upon which a progressive movement must be built.
In wake of another shooting, calls for a national school walkout
By Michelle Robertson   2018-02-18
9 faith leaders on “thoughts and prayers” — and action — after tragedy
By Tara Isabella Burton   2018-02-18
Some say “God is not a cosmic vending machine,” while others champion the power of prayer.
The Deadly Rule of the Oligarchs
By Chris Hedges   2018-02-18
A Dangerous Turn in U.S. Foreign Policy
By CONN HALLINAN   2018-02-18
Trump Privatizes America
The Church of America
By Sheldon Richman   2018-02-18
The religion this church administers is Americanism, a species of nationalism.
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