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Current Affairs Review
Tomgram: Nomi Prins, How to Set the Economy on Fire
By Nomi Prins   2018-02-10
How Trump is helping to widen the trade deficit he hates
By Krystal Hu   2018-02-10
How Should Atheism Be Taught?
By Isabel Fattal   2018-02-09
The endowment of the country’s first college chair for the study of the subject draws attention to the complexity of nonbelief in America today. -- ALSO RELATED ARTICLES BY THE NEW LEGALIST
German workers win right to 28-hour week
By Alanna Petroff   2018-02-08
Millions of German workers are winning the fight for a 28-hour work week.
Universities luring millennials to communism, leading don warns
By Matthew Moore   2018-02-08
Why aren’t Americans outraged over Trump’s escalation of drone strikes?
By MATTHEW ROZSA   2018-02-07
There is something profoundly wrong with a society that isn’t disturbed by Trump’s indifference to civilian deaths
The Hacking of the American Mind: Pleasure vs. Happiness
By Dr. Robert Lustig   2018-02-07
The Science Behind the Corporate Takeover of Our Bodies and Brains
The Increasing Likelihood Of Nuclear War Should Straighten Out All Our Priorities
By Caitlin Johnstone   2018-02-06
China firmly opposes US Nuclear Posture Review: spokesman
By Xinhua   2018-02-06
China has adhered to the policy of no-first-use of nuclear weapons at any time and under any circumstances. Under no circumstances will China use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones ... / "Why could not the U.S. pledge the same policy?" - The New Legalist editor
Leaked Trump Infrastructure Plan is a Blueprint for Corporate Subsidies
By Pete Dolack   2018-02-06
For the longer term, humanity finding its way out of the dead end it is speeding toward depends on freeing itself from the grips of a system that repeatedly throws up Trumps, Bushes, Harpers, Thatchers and the like. The Trump administration is a symptom, not a cause, of morbid decay.
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