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Current Affairs Review
It's Time To Wake Up - We Are All One (Video)
By informationclearinghouse.info   2018-01-22
10 Reasons Not To Trust Facebook (video)
By informationclearinghouse.info   2018-01-22
U.S. Global Hegemony and Capitalist Crisis
By rallycomrades.lrna.org   2018-01-21
The United States of America Is Decadent and Depraved
By JAMES TRAUB   2018-01-21
The problem isn’t Donald Trump – it’s the Donald Trump in all of us.
California Dems propose surcharge on businesses to fund social programs
By Bradford Betz   2018-01-21
Silence Is Betrayal: Get Up, Stand Up, Speak Up for Your Rights
By John W. Whitehead   2018-01-20
Starting Them Young: Is Facebook Hooking Children on Social Media?
By ROBERTO J. GONZÁLEZ   2018-01-20
'Ukraine on Fire': Oliver Stone Documentary Finally Available in the West (VIDEO)
By informationclearinghouse.info   2018-01-19
Bracing for a Supreme Court attack, labor unions make plans to survive
By NED RESNIKOFF   2018-01-19
“As the whole labor movement and progressive community have been under assault, people have really embraced the idea that this is now about, ‘We do something for you and then you do something for us later,’” ... “What we’re doing in bargaining for the common good is saying, ‘We’re doing something together.’”
I'm a Muslim-American, and Here's How I Talk to My Kids About Religion
By SARA AHMED   2018-01-19
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