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Current Affairs Review
Pope Francis urges world to jettison 'banality of consumerism' and avoid 'empty chatter' in New Year's Day message
By Associated Press,The Telegraph   2018-01-01
What Happened to the 40-Hour Workweek?
By DAVID ROSEN   2017-12-31
Americans Are Only Now Beginning to Learn that We Live in a Dictatorship
By Eric Zuesse   2017-12-30
... documentary showing "the CIA had been hiring European aristocrats and committed fascists and even ‘former’ Nazis, to set up terrorist incidents in Europe rigged so as to be blamed by the public against communists ..."... “Memos disclose US cold-war plot to frame Castro”...
The Gangster Nature of the State (video)
By Michael Parenti   2017-12-30
GOPer: Trump’s Startling Plan to Kill Social Security in Second Term
By Ryan Davis   2017-12-29
Going after Social Security on Day 1 / Will Trump go back on his promise? / Paul Ryan is out to get entitlements / The GOP is pandering to their rich donors / Social Security and Medicare aren’t welfare / "Obviously, the easiest answer to the whole problem is not cutting taxes for the wealthy and corporations in the first place.... Of course, they could always slash the half-trillion-dollar military budget as a way to fix the problem.... But Trump has vowed to expand military spending... "
The Most Shocking Things President Trump Believes About Money
By Sam Becker   2017-12-29
Trump Sued by ACLU Over Secret Killing Rules
By Newsweek   2017-12-28
Whiteness Won’t Be Wished Away
By RICHARD MOSER   2017-12-27
The job of the organizer is to help white people discover that our self-interest is undermined by own racism. If you want working class rebellion, then work on racism. If you want racial justice, then work on class exploitation.
Pope laments 'winds of war' blowing around the world
By Associated Press   2017-12-25
Reader(CD)'s comment: War is a natural state of man because of his incurable hubris and lust for money and power. The nations have bankrupted their people and squandered their progress by perpetually fueling their war machines.
The profane origins of 'Merry Christmas'
By Neil J. Young   2017-12-25
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