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Current Affairs Review
Socialism, Capitalism and Health Care
By James Petras   2017-12-09
With comment from the New Legalist editor.
By NEIL H. BUCHANAN   2017-12-07
With comment from the New Legalist editor.
Killing the Biosphere to Fast-track Human Extinction
By Robert J. Burrowes   2017-12-06
Plunder Capitalism
By Paul Craig Roberts   2017-12-06
Capitalism is now merely a looting machine. The financial sector no longer supplies capital for production. What the financial sector does is to turn discretionary consumer income into interest and fee payments to banks.
Political Corruption and the U.S. Government
By ROBERT FANTINA   2017-12-04
Obama’s Crimes are Revealed Under Trump
By Margaret Kimberley   2017-12-04
We Can’t Attack North Korea. It’s Against the Law
By John Burroughs   2017-12-03
Monetary Imperialism
By MICHAEL HUDSON   2017-12-03
The Big Bang never happened - and there might be traces of an earlier universe, scientist claims
By Rob Waugh   2017-12-02
With comment from the New Legalist editor.
Faith leaders arrested as major religious groups rally against the GOP tax reform bill
By Jack Jenkins   2017-12-02
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