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Current Affairs Review
Drain the Swamp? The 15 Richest Members of the Trump Administration
By Sam Becker, Cheat Sheet   2017-11-22
25 Richest Members of Congress
By Thomas C. Frohlich   2017-11-22
Three People Own Half the US, While One In Five Has Nothing
By Chuck Collins ,Newsweek   2017-11-22
Big Dick Diplomacy
The U.S. leads ... By engaging in overt military incursions, regime-change oriented invasions, and also through covert operations—all conceived to overthrow governments in countries whose resources or lands are essential to U.S. supremacy. Raping a country’s resources, raping the mind, raping the body, rape is a weapon of war whether the war is waged against men and women 6000 or 8500 miles away or here at home.
Tomgram: Michael Klare, Normalizing Nukes
By Michael Klare   2017-11-21
The Trump Doctrine: Making Nuclear Weapons Usable Again 
Overlooked passage in GOP tax bill would gouge gig economy workers
GOP tax bill includes language that would absolve management of many obligations owed to employees
Republican senator launches into angry diatribe after being confronted with basic facts of tax plan
By REBEKAH ENTRALGO   2017-11-20
The truth hurts.
Who wins and loses in Trump's tax plan?
By Dominic Rushe in New York   2017-11-20
Congress has yet to settle on a final draft of a tax-cut bill but if you’re rich, a corporation or your name is Donald Trump you could be in luck
Firefighters, jet owners, school teachers—the unexpected winners and losers in the GOP tax bills
By Heather Timmons, Quartz   2017-11-20
U.S. Is the ‘Real Threat to World Security and Peace,’ Says Bolivian President
By Jessica Kwong   2017-11-19
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