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Current Affairs Review
Presidents used to speak for all Americans. Trump speaks for his racist, resentful white base
By Erin Aubry Kaplan   2017-11-05
Mars Hill University celebrates Native American Heritage Month
By citizen-times.com   2017-11-05
John Kelly Claims Civil War Caused By Lack Of Compromise. History Shows Otherwise
By Camila Domonoske   2017-11-05
The UN Admits That The Paris Climate Deal Was A Fraud
By investors.com   2017-11-04
Republican tax plan puts rich donors ahead of working families
By Elizabeth Warren   2017-11-03
6 charts that explain why American politics is so broken
By Andrew Prokop   2017-11-03
The Pew Research Center’s political typology report, explained.
The makings of a more human economy
By Winnie Byanyima   2017-11-02
It's time to forge an ambitious but common-sense economic design that would benefit the 99 percent, not the 1 percent.
China Tells Global Companies to Start Taking Care of Workers
By Bloomberg News   2017-11-01
Martin Luther's Reformation anniversary stirs German soul-searching
By Austin Davis   2017-10-31
The Simulacra Democracy
By JOHN STEPPLING   2017-10-30
...People vote as if it crucially matters, and they vote for who they like. Not for policy because mostly they have no idea of policy. Trump is an obvious target, but that’s the problem in a sense. America didn’t become racist and violent overnight. The forces of social unrest have been building for decades. Trump was inevitable. His lack of basic literacy mirrors the nation he nominally heads, and his vulgarity mirrors the vulgarity of America, as does his misogyny and racism. The same advisors are in place and if Hillary had won, those openly fascist thugs applauding Trump would still be committing hate crimes. Has Trump empowered them? To a degree, yes. But an HRC win would likely have provided motivation of a different sort and the same violence would be taking place. ...We have over 2 million people in prison in the U.S. Far and away leaders in the world. Infant mortality however puts the U.S. between 26th and 51st, depending on who is counting. There is no Universal Heath Care, no union protection for workers, no maternity leave, no free education. What is there to feel so special about, exactly? ...
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