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Current Affairs Review
Donald and Ivanka Trump Slammed by Girls Who Code Founder for ‘Bigoted’ and ‘Insidious’ Agenda
By Stav Ziv   2017-10-06
'Lone wolf': Our stunning double standard when it comes to race and religion
By Khaled Beydoun   2017-10-05
Supreme Court, spurred by Trump's lawyers, could achieve backdoor repeal of workers' rights laws
By David G. Savage   2017-10-05
Corporate sustainability must give way to corporate responsibility
By Gunnar Lovelace   2017-10-05
So long as big capital oligarchy is dominating over all areas of social life, corporate responsiblity will never be able to spread and sustain... -- The New Legalist editor
Fareed Zakaria on the most important lesson of the Trump presidency
By Sean Illing   2017-10-05
Whether unwritten norms or written laws of this country, both are essential parts of the hypocritical ideology of the big bourgeoisie and have been serving the interests of slave-owning and/or unjustly-gained big capital-owning classes. -- The New Legalist editor
How Economists Lie About Globalization and Jobs
By Charles Wallace   2017-10-04
Wealthiest 1% gains the most from GOP tax plan, study shows
By The Washington Post   2017-10-04
Capitalism without consequences
By Jon Evans   2017-10-04
In Their Own Words: When Trump and Obama Sounded the Same
By RAMZY BAROUD   2017-10-03
Beyond the daily drama and Twitter battles, Trump begins to alter American life
By John Whitesides   2017-10-03
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