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Current Affairs Review
To Punch or Not to Punch – The American Left’s Existential Crisis
By YOAV LITVIN   2017-09-24
Nonviolence is a means among several that are aimed at achieving the ends of equality and justice, not an end in and of itself. The idea that nonviolence is the only moral tactic available in the leftist arsenal and that it alone can lead to a just world plays into the hands of those who control the current systems of oppression.
Dozens of states sign nuclear weapons ban treaty at United Nations
By Reuters   2017-09-24
President Trump is a 'Giant Gold Goliath' Who Threatens Extinction of Countries: Zimbabwe's Mugabe
By Conor Gaffey   2017-09-23
We Are All Prisoners of the Police State’s Panopticon Village
By YOAV LITVIN   2017-09-23
What Americans get wrong about race in the U.S.
By Rachel Layne   2017-09-23
Presidential Bomb Threats at the UN
By JOHN LAFORGE   2017-09-22
The United States’ historical destruction of North Korea and today’s threats of more should be considered in the context of the living memory of its older generation....
Washington's 'Game of Chicken' With N Korea Could Have Catastrophic Consequences
By sputniknews.com   2017-09-22
The US government must avoid preventive war against North Korea and instead embrace the proposal by China and Russia that requires Washington to cease militaristic activities in return for a nuclear freeze by Pyongyang, analysts told Sputnik.
Tomgram: Michael Klare, The New Face of "War" at Home
By Michael Klare   2017-09-22
Beyond Harvey and Irma -- Militarizing Homeland Security in the Climate-Change Era
The Amazon Monopoly Problem: Prime Time For Antitrust Action Vs. These Internet Giants?
By JED GRAHAM   2017-09-21
Condemned to Repeat It: History as Rerun
By Jason Hirthler   2017-09-21
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