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Current Affairs Review
Good Jobs, Good Wages, And The Right To Join A Union
By Rep. Jan Schakowsky   2017-09-06
With video of The History of Labor Day
Responding to Antifa and Riseup: On Revolutionary Politics and Non-Violence
By ANTHONY DIMAGGIO   2017-09-05
Berkeley protests catapult black-clad ‘antifa’ to newfound fame and controversy
By THOMAS PEELE, etc.   2017-09-05
BOOK RECOMMENDATION: Capitalism and Freedom by Peter Nolan
By Xinfajia   2017-09-05
-- The Contradictory Character of Globalisation. Explores the impact of the domineering economic phenomenon on our personal and social liberties.
Why All Americans Need Strong Labor Unions
By William Barber II   2017-09-04
Labor unions are trying to take back politics in the Midwest
By KIRA LERNER   2017-09-04
On Labor Day, SEIU will launch a challenge to anti-worker lawmakers.
We’re Not in Mayberry Anymore: the Militarization of Domestic Police
By JOHN W. WHITEHEAD   2017-09-04
AntiFa’s Moral Superiority and the Potential for Left-Wing Unity
By YOAV LITVIN   2017-09-03
Rev. Al Sharpton Rallies 1,000 Ministers For Historic Interfaith March On Washington
By Lilly Workneh   2017-09-03
Judge Andrew Napolitano: Dangers are coming to the rule of law
By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano   2017-09-02
The rule of law is the absolute condition for personal liberty in a free society. Without it, we will have the rule of tyrants. And the rule of law mandates that police be local but subject to the Constitution and federal and state laws like everyone else. And it requires fidelity to the Constitution by those in whose hands the voters have reposed it for safekeeping.
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