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Current Affairs Review
'A middle finger to America': What people are saying about Trump's first presidential pardon
By Bryan Logan   2017-08-28
Toppling statues? Here’s why Nelson’s column should be next
By Afua Hirsch   2017-08-27
While the US argues about whether to tear down monuments to the supporters of slavery, Britain still celebrates the shameful era
In Gettysburg, the Confederacy Won
By SCOTT HANCOCK   2017-08-27
...as an American citizen, as a black man, as a historian, and as someone who sees these monuments almost every day, I see these battlefield markers as a constant reminder that the Confederacy keeps winning.
Robert E Lee's descendant tells Trump to stop defending Confederate statues: 'How dare you'
By Andrew Buncombe   2017-08-27
“Trump Forest”: why environmentalists are planting trees to thwart the president
By Ruairí Arrieta-Kenna   2017-08-26
The UN has warned the United States over its alarming rise in ethnic violence
By Marc Bain   2017-08-26
Reclaim the Discourse on White Privilege
By RICHARD MOSER   2017-08-25
How should we protest neo-Nazis? Lessons from German history
By Laurie Marhoefer   2017-08-25
Following damage caused by economic rise, China tackles ambitious conservation experiment
By Michael Holtz   2017-08-24
The Great Liberal Experiment Is Dying
By John Horvat II   2017-08-24
“Things fall apart; the center cannot hold...” -- True, but is a regressive restoration of Christian order really the answer? -- The New Legalist editor
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