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Current Affairs Review
We the Sheeple: the Blind Reading the Blind
By JASON HIRTHLER   2017-12-13
... the manufacture of enemies, job one for the ruling class media, always targets socialist-leaning nations that sense the need for economic justice alongside social justice... “The danger of the past was that men became slaves. The danger of the future is that men may become robots.”
What Kind of Nuclear Attack Would be Legal?
By JOHN LAFORGE   2017-12-12
Nobel winners warn of nuclear destruction (Video)
By CNN   2017-12-12
China's Graft Watchdog Warns Officials Over 'Concealed' Extravagance
By Reuters   2017-12-12
California Governor Says Trump Is Courting The 'Wrath Of God' By Ignoring Climate Change
By Mary Papenfuss ,HuffPost   2017-12-11
Pope urges nuclear disarmament, climate-change solutions
By The Associated Press   2017-12-11
How Corporate Power Killed Democracy
By Richard Moser   2017-12-11
With comment from the New Legalist editor.
The Burning Earth Bears Witness in California
By PAUL STREET   2017-12-10
We have at most two decades to avert environmental catastrophe and sustain realistic hopes for a decent future. Failure on that score would mean that nothing else we care about and (on the left) fight for – democracy, social justice, peace, artistic expression, equality, and more – would matter all that much. It’ll be about the best possible arrangement of chairs and drinks on the decks of a sinking ship....
Nuclear War Planner, Warns of Nuclear Winter & Global Starvation (video & text)
By Daniel Ellsberg   2017-12-10
Paul Krugman: The GOP is attempting the biggest tax scam in history
Make no mistake, the Republican bill will hurt the vast majority of Americans — bigly
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