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Current Affairs Review
UN Members Criticize US For Calling Meeting On Iran Protests (Video news report)
By start.att.net   2018-01-07
Other countries called the meeting a way for the U.S. to drum up opposition to the 2015 nuclear deal.
'Fire and Fury' review: The most fascinating thing about Michael Wolff's instant bestseller? It's not about Trump
By Andrew Griffin,The Independent   2018-01-07
The Pursuit of Beauty: Yitang Zhang solves a pure-math mystery
By Alec Wilkinson   2018-01-07
A story that never gets old.
Pope Francis warns against ‘the thirst for power and for riches’
By Associated Press   2018-01-06
Truth-Telling in Immigration
By ANDREW MOSS   2018-01-06
More Power to the Workers: The Political Economy of Seymour Melman
By JON RYNN   2018-01-04
2017: A Banner Year for Corporate Mergers, Which Further Deepens Inequality
In a 30-minute interview, President Trump made 24 false or misleading claims
By Glenn Kessler   2018-01-03
Evangelical Christianity is facing a political crisis
The Christian faith was the real loser in the Roy Moore campaign – it will need more than a makeover to survive... Real soul searching would mean asking what it is about the evangelical worldview that has made evangelical leaders and ordinary Bible-believers susceptible to courtship by authoritarian, bigoted, sexist, tribal, anti-intellectual greedmongers who dangle the carrot of theocracy.... The Bible contains some really bad ideas. The opposite is also true, mind you. It also contains support for compassion, love, generosity, inclusion, and humility—and many other virtues that humanity values widely across both secular and religious wisdom traditions. The Bible is morally inchoate. It documents and sanctifies humanity’s moral infancy; and idolizing the book binds believers to the worldview of the Iron Age, leaving them susceptible to justifying all manner of misbehaviors in the name of god.
Jerry Brown signs sweeping California immigration bills into law
The bills will help “hard-working people who contribute to our state,” Brown said.
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