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Current Affairs Review
Abolish the Corporate Income Tax? Four Reasons Why It Should Be Doubled
By PAUL BUCHHEIT   2014-01-14
Economic Prosperity and Economic Democracy: The Worker Co-Op Solution
By Richard D Wolff   2014-01-13
The $17 Trillion Delusion: The Absurdity of Cutting Social Security to Reduce the Debt
By Marty Wolfson   2014-01-12
Millionaires Are Now the Majority in Congress: The 1% Literally Rule Us
By MARK KARLIN   2014-01-11
Fakethrough! GMOs and the Capitulation of Science Journalism
By Jonathan Latham   2014-01-10
What Is the Common Good?
By Noam Chomsky   2014-01-09
The World According to Monsanto [Full Length video]
By rataMacue22   2014-01-08
Delayed UPS Delivery Is Not a Crisis; Injustice American Style Is
By WALTER BRASCH   2014-01-07
GMO and the “Natural” Food Fight: The Treacherous Terrain of Food Labeling
By Ronnie Cummins   2014-01-06
Worldwide, Richest 3% Hold One-Fifth of Collective Income
By Glenn Phelps and Steve Crabtre   2014-01-05
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