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Current Affairs Review
Black Thursday: Thanksgiving in the Consumer Wasteland
By William Rivers Pitt   2013-11-29
Pope Francis: APOSTOLIC EXHORTATION (An excerpt)
By Pope Francis   2013-11-29
The Fed has created a huge global bubble: Stockman
By Alex Rosenberg   2013-11-29
Activists organize, and some journalists chronicle, a progressive resurgence in SF
By Activists organize, and some j   2013-11-28
Pope Francis: Greatest concern must be victims of an unjust, global economic system that prizes profit over people
By NICOLE WINFIELD   2013-11-27
Why African Farmers Do Not Want GMOs
By Million Belay and Bern Guri   2013-11-25
Multi-Millionaire CEOs Hatch Plans to Cut Social Security While Compiling Massive Nest Eggs of Their Own
By Bill Berkowitz   2013-11-25
UN climate talks go nowhere, again
By Chris Williams   2013-11-24
At the climate talks in Warsaw, rich countries stalled, poor countries walked out, and climate justice activists chanted ’The Philippines, Pakistan, New Orleans: Change the System, Not the Climate.’
"Entitlements" and Our Dollar Democracy
By Ellen Dannin   2013-11-23
The People Can Defeat the Trans-Pacific Partnership
By Kevin Zeese & Margaret Flower   2013-11-22
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