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Current Affairs Review
How to stick it to the poor: A congressional strategy
By Samantha Paige Rosen   2013-12-11
World's leading authors: state surveillance of personal data is theft
By Matthew Taylor & Nick Hopkins   2013-12-11
• 500 signatories include five Nobel prize winners • Writers demand 'digital bill of rights' to curb abuses
Three Ways the Super-Rich Suck Wealth Out of the Rest of Us
By PAUL BUCHHEIT   2013-12-10
WTO agreement condemned as deal for corporations, not world's poor
By Phillip Inman and agencies   2013-12-09
Holiday Lunacy: How Americans Are Conditioned to Buy Like Pavlov's Dogs When the Corporate Bells Ring
The Legacy of Nelson Mandela
By Danny Schechter   2013-12-07
Mr. President, Economic Injustice Will Not End Without Systemic Economic Change
By MARK KARLIN   2013-12-07
Low-Wage Workers' Movement Catches Fire
By Bethania Palma Markus   2013-12-05
The Pope Versus Unfettered Capitalism
By John Nichols   2013-12-04
From Rome, Five Basic Insights on Inequality
By Sam Pizzigati   2013-12-03
In plain yet powerful language, Pope Francis is challenging the givens of our deeply unequal world — and helping inspire resistance to it. - See more at: http://inequality.org/rome-essential-insights-inequality/#sthash.CZvWjJgm.dpuf
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