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Current Affairs Review
Ohioans Elect Two Dozen City Councilors on Independent Labor Ticket
By Bruce Bostick   2014-01-24
Economic Growth Is Killing Us
By Vijay Kolinjivadi   2014-01-23
The Global Fight Against Corporate Rule
By Robin Broad and John Cavanagh   2014-01-22
Activists are challenging rules that grant corporations the right to sue governments.
Four Shocking Signs of Further Income Redistribution to the Rich -- In Just One Year!
By PAUL BUCHHEIT   2014-01-21
Major Political Donors Have Access to TPP Documents. Everyone Else? Not So Much
By Donny Shaw   2014-01-20
Washington and the Oil Industry Know the Truth about Climate Change
By Dave Lindorff   2014-01-19
Short-term profits trump survival
Protests Grow in Japan: "We Want to Bring Our Message to the World to Stop Nuclear Power Plants" (Video) )
By Amy Goodman   2014-01-18
The Special Ops Surge: America's Secret War in 134 Countries
By Nick Turse   2014-01-17
Ten Examples of Welfare for the Rich and Corporations
By BILL QUIGLEY   2014-01-16
The Alleged "Job Creators" Are Really the "Job and Payroll Takers"
By MARK KARLIN   2014-01-15
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