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Current Affairs Review
Washington isn't as big a problem as you think and here's why: Karabell
By Breakout Staff   2014-03-07
Readers Write: Obama executions flout Constitution
By Jack Gribble   2014-03-04
Letters to the Editor for the March 3, 2014 weekly magazine: The US Constitution prohibits government from depriving a citizen of life, liberty, or property without due process. President Obama has demonstrated his indifference tow this protection by executing US citizens overseas.
The great China 'takeover' of Africa is greatly exaggerated
By Heather Murdoch   2014-03-03
Investors from South Korea to Brazil and from India to South Africa are the new kids on the African block. Nor have old investors like the US, UK, France and Australia pulled out.
The end of the car is coming
By Jeff Reeves   2014-02-28
Good news! Good for the health, spiritual as well physical, of all human beings, for a healthy environment, and a healthy economy! Develop public mass transportaton and limit the use of private cars! Put human wellbeing before parasitic profits! -- The New Legalist editor
Governors erupt in partisan dispute at White House
By N. PICKLER and S. PEOPLES   2014-02-25
What is the purpose of restoring economy? To fatten a few purses or to secure basic necessities for all? -- The New Legalist editor
Creating the World We Want
By K. Zeese and M. Flowers   2014-02-25
Belated news: Success! The Monsanto Protection Act Has Been Repealed—This Time for Good!
By anh-usa.org   2014-02-24
New study: San Francisco has second highest inequality in United States
By Joe Fitzgerald Rodriguez   2014-02-21
Why more voters are going independent in California
By Daniel B. Wood   2014-02-21
Both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are losing ground in voter registration in America’s most populous state – following a nationwide trend.
The Global Systemic Crisis: Quantitative Easing and The Fed’s Tapering will Trigger a “Boomerang Effect”
By Global Europe Anticipation Bul   2014-02-20
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