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Current Affairs Review
An American Made Holocaust: The History of US Wars, Deceptions and Crimes against Humanity (film)
By Chris Pratt   2014-02-04
"Lest We Forget" is an indictment of our Leaders, our Media, our Actions and ultimately of ourselves for remaining intentionally blind to an American made Holocaust.
Wall Street Money Addict Seeks Redemption, Change (Video)
By Bloomberg   2014-02-01
Seattle socialist Kshama Sawant’s SOTU response: ‘We need a break from capitalism’ (Video)
By Arturo Garcia   2014-01-30
The 20 Richest Americans: Takers, Not Makers
By PAUL BUCHHEIT   2014-01-28
The Five Things We Want to Hear in President Obama's State of the Union Speech
By Jackie Tortora   2014-01-28
The Myth of Human Progress and the Collapse of Complex Societies
By Chris Hedges   2014-01-28
Costas Lapavitsas Discusses the Financialization of Capitalism
By CJ Polychroniou   2014-01-27
San Francisco's guerrilla protest at Google buses swells into revolt
By Andrew Gumbel   2014-01-26
Campaign against tech giant pricing ordinary citizens out of the housing market becomes increasingly disruptive and forces city to act
Deregulation, Privatization, and Cheap Labor: Obama’s Corporate Plantations
By Mike Whitney   2014-01-25
Socialist Elected to Seattle City Council (Video)
By seattlechannel.org   2014-01-24
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