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An American Made Holocaust: The History of US Wars, Deceptions and Crimes against Humanity (film)
By Chris Pratt
2014-02-04 03:20:43
Source & Film: globalresearch.ca


“Lest We Forget” by filmmaker Chris Pratt is an indictment of our Leaders, our Media, our Actions and ultimately of ourselves for remaining intentionally blind to an American made Holocaust.

Watch this film only if you are prepared to face the truth about the predatory nature of the ruling elite and their manipulation of your perceptions and beliefs.

I knew that the vast majority of our politicians along with media sold out years ago, but I have been surprised by the level of Willful Blindness and lack of spiritual guidance displayed by our so called “Religious Leaders”.

Perhaps they feed at the same trough.

“The US government has always been among the most murderous and barbaric in history. The American people are complicit in the crimes of their government.” (Dr. Paul Craig Roberts)

CLICK HERE for the film

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