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Current Affairs Review
South China Sea and America’s National Interest
By Ben mah   2014-05-19
China’s non-confrontational assertiveness in the South China Sea
By Li Mingjiang   2014-05-17
Fast food workers strike in the Bay Area and worldwide
By Joe Fitzgerald Rodriguez   2014-05-16
"Documented": You're a Good American Until You Find Out You're Not
By Sherilyn Connelly   2014-05-16
Former Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner claims White House asked him to lie during TV interviews: book
By Adam Edelman   2014-05-14
Global warming has never been explained quite so beautifully
By Chris Smith   2014-05-09
'Diaoyu Islands: The Truth’ Urges America and Japan To Change their Attitudes and Actions
By Lv Yaodong   2014-05-08
What's gone wrong with democracy
By The Economist   2014-05-02
-- with The New Legalist editor's note
America's democracy is fit for the 1 per cent
By Edward Luce   2014-04-26
Congress is deceiving the American people about the federal budget: Bill White
By Nicole Goodkind   2014-04-26
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