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Talk East & West
The 1929 Great Crash (Video with English soundtrack)
By Xinfajia   2009-05-05
Meditation & Cosmic Energy (Video with English Soundtrack)
By Xinfajia   2009-04-27
Olympics and Opium Wars
By Richard L King   2008-08-08
If anyone, especially those from the West, wishes to criticize China about human rights, religious freedom and corruption; they should be sensitive to China 's sense and sensibility. Forcing opium on China enslaved a generation of Chinese and caused corruption on a scale that dwarfs anything in present-day China or even current chaos in Mexico.
Wu-Wei in Europe: A Study of Eurasian Economic Thought
By Christian Gerlach   2008-07-31
This present paper focuses on the diffusion of wu-wei (an ancient Chinese concept of political economy) throughout Europe, between 1648 and 1848. It argues that at the core of this diffusion process were three major developments;...
The Tao of Lassez-faire
By Ken McCormick   2008-07-24
Laissez-faire is simply an extension of the doctrine of"wu wei" to government policy. Harmonizing with the Tao, which is universal and whose power extends everywhere, even to the social realm, allows a beneficent natural order to emerge.
Correction & Report about Earthquake Donation
By Xinfajia   2008-05-20
...We have now corrected the mistake and changed to the bank account for The China Red Cross Fund...
Call for Donations to China Earthquake Victims
By Xinfajia   2008-05-17
Those buried alive under debris are calling out to us; Those kids who have lost their parents are calling out to us; Those seriously injured and waiting for medical care are calling out to us; Those survivors with bleeding hearts for loss of dear ones are calling out to us…
William Hinton and China
By Ben Mah   2008-05-09
A true friend of the Chinese people, born in Chicago, educated at Harvard and Cornell..., member of a land reform work team in northern China in 1948… wrote an internationally acclaimed book, Fanshen, which was translated into ten languages and staged all over the world… revisited the village in 1971 to find it vastly different: people were well fed and provided with education and medical care… served as an agricultural consultant in China after 1978… disappointed at the reform, wrote The Great Reversal…
A Poem
By Duo-Liang Lin   2008-05-05
When we were the Sick Man of Asia, We were called The Yellow Peril. When we are billed to be the next Superpower, we are called The Threat. ... When we were silent, you said you wanted us to have free speech. When we are silent no more, you say we are brainwashed xenophobics. ... What do you really want from us?...
Beyond Religion
By John W. Sloat   2008-04-26
...Religion is trapped in its own past. Over the years it has developed a point of view about God which it considers complete and final. As a result, it spends most of its time defending that vision and protecting itself against any new revelations which might upset its system of belief....
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