Location:Home Talk East & West
Correction & Report about Earthquake Donation
By Xinfajia
2008-05-20 01:32:25

    Due to lack of experience and rush work, we mistakenly listed the bank account for The New Legalist Fund in our “Call for Donations to China Earthquake Victims”. We have now corrected the mistake and changed to the bank account for The China Red Cross Fund: 

    China Red Cross Fund
    Beneficiary Bank: Bank of China
    Account No.: 800100086608091014

    So far, donations sent to The China Red Cross Fund in response to our call are as follows:

    Yuzhong Zhai          ¥500
    Guangyu Xu            ¥500
    Jun Hua                   ¥100
    Guochang Zhou     ¥1000
    Sherwin Lu          US$200
    Lee Liang            US$500

    Thank you.

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