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Talk East & West
The China Wave (Video)
By Arzak Khan   2012-07-23
The Analysis of a Miracle: The China Model and its Significance
By Zhang Weiwei (张维为)   2012-07-06
Are we entering a new era of Chinese exceptionalism? (Video)
By News Sources   2012-07-06
The China Model: A Dialogue between Zhang Weiwei and Francis Fukuyama
By Zhang Weiwei & Francis Fukuyam   2012-07-06
Why the Chinese Don't Get Sick Like We Do
By doctors health press   2012-05-24
Four reasons for the stunning success for Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Dead in Translation – The Attack On Asia's Socio-Cultural Originality
By Dr. Thorsten Pattberg   2012-05-14
New York Times: “...the drug was discovered thanks to Mao Zedong”
By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr.   2012-03-18
Traditional Chinese Medicine: From heresy to science
By guanruo717   2012-02-17
The Lunar New Year: Enter the Dragon
By Sarah B. Weir   2012-01-24
China vs. the West: The way of Heaven vs. the way of man
By Yuzhong Zhai   2011-12-10
Ancient Chinese sages held that ... it is necessary for the state as a collective community to make adjustments in line with the principles of nature so as to bring about dynamic balances between all classes... while Western political economy takes for granted that ... free voting and a free market can automatically realize the balance ...
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