Location:Home Talk East & West
Why the Chinese Don't Get Sick Like We Do
By doctors health press
2012-05-24 01:26:16

Source: doctorshealthpress.com

They’re 17 times less likely to get heart disease…
and 5 times less likely to get breast cancer than Americans!
What do they know that we don’t?

        Do you know that Chinese men and women often escape dreaded diseases that kill over 1.2 million Americans a year?

        What do they know that you don’t know?

       Read on for an inside look at once forbidden healing secrets they’ve used for more than 4,000 years, now proven by the Mayo Clinic, the American Association for Cancer Research, the U.S. National Institutes of Health and by doctors worldwide

       •Your high cholesterol plummets 44% without statin drugs. How?   You eat a natural food that mimics these drugs, yet with no deadly side effects

       •Your risk of stroke is cut in HALF without drugs or surgery. Instead, you begin this easy, ancient stretching secret

      •Pain in your knees vanishes without anti-inflammatory drugs. Your secret? Nothing more than the palms of your hands

      •They laughed when the doctor rubbed your ears—but then your       allergies vanished!

        Remarkable cures for arthritis, heart failure, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, cancerous tumors, Alzheimer’s, enlarged prostate, impotence without doctors, drugs or surgery.

        4,000 years of traditional medicine and modern science now prove many diseases Western medicine fails to treat can be cured by Chinese healing secrets!

        Heart disease is the #1 killer in America, claiming 700,000-plus lives a year.

        Yet over a three-year period in China, not a single person under the age 64 died of heart disease—out of 470,000 men and women living in two counties.

        The American Journal of Cardiology confirms this remarkable difference reporting that rural Chinese men have 17 times less risk of dying of heart disease than American men.

        Cancer is the #2 killer in America, taking over 550,000 lives a year.

        Yet according to The China Study, rural Chinese women have five times less risk of dying from breast cancer than their American counterparts.

        Why is it, when it comes to sickness and disease, that the Chinese in many cases have less risk and a greater propensity for healing than Americans?

        What do they know that you don’t know?

        Millions and millions of Chinese men and women understand, live by and believe the powerful, yet safe healing remedies of Traditional Chinese Medicine.  

        Why such stunning success for Chinese medicine?

Reason No. 1: Whole body vs. isolationism

        Chinese Master healers look to solve a health problem by treating your whole body (mind and body)...by addressing the cause...and by returning your body to its balanced and harmonious state. Western doctors isolate a problem and typically treat symptoms.

Reason No. 2: Feather vs. hammer

        Chinese Master healers use safe, natural therapies such as herbal healers and food cures, as well as acupuncture, acupressure, Qigong, Tai chi and other ancient stretching and breathing secrets—and all without side effects. Western medicine? Cut, burn and medicate—with plenty of potentially harmful side effects.

Reason No. 3: Individuality vs. "one size fits all"

        Chinese Master healers select the best therapy for the specific health problem for each patient—and often mix special herbal formula just for that patient. Western medicine, on the other hand, typically gives everyone the same treatment.

Reason No. 4: Unbalances in body vs. germs

        Chinese Masters healers believe disharmonies and unbalances within the body or between the body and the environment trigger most health problems. Western medicine attributes most health problems to germs, viruses, genes and other factors.

        How can you use the healing secrets of Traditional Chinese Medicine to help solve your own health problems? Here are two simple steps...




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