Location:Home Talk East & West
The China Wave (Video)
By Arzak Khan
2012-07-23 12:30:57

Source & Video: telecologist.blogspot.co.uk

The rise of China using its effective yet controversial model of development has been an issue much debated in the western world and at a time when American exceptional-ism or influence is on the decline in the region especially in context of failure of New World Order the time looks near for China to export its model of development to other developing countries. Professor Zhang Weiwei, who served as a translator for one of the key architects of China's transformation, Deng Xiaoping in his latest book The China Wave: the Rise of a Civilizational State offered an overview of his original study on the rise of China and its effective yet controversial model of development here at 14th Annual Annenberg Oxford Media Policy Summer Institute.

According to Zhang “No developing country can succeed following the western model of development” and countries that have followed have literally gone nowhere in terms of socio-economic development. The example of Pakistan being one which has fallen in to a vicious cycle of western development policies where firstly, the society becomes more divided; secondly, corruption generally increases rather than decreasing; and thirdly, the economy is negatively affected.

Time will be the best judge on which model is superior the Chinese or the Western but in brief Zhang shows that measuring Eastern achievements with a Western measuring tape will not work unless you look at it from the Eastern perspective of development. 

It should make a very interesting read especially coming from a very powerful authority in China.

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