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Talk East & West
Tao Healing (Video in English)
By Hongchi Xiao 萧宏慈   2011-01-15
Western and Eastern Medicine Compared
By Al Stone, L.AC., DAOM   2010-08-09
The China Study: A most comprehensive cross-cultural study on diet and health
By thechinastudy.com   2010-07-25
The China Study details the connection between nutrition and heart disease, diabetes and cancer. It also examines the source of nutritional confusion produced by powerful lobbies, government entities, and opportunistic scientists.
Michelangelo Code & Western vs. Chinese Origin Myths
By Sherwin Lu   2010-07-12
Is it God who has created human beings in His own image or human beings who have created God in their own image? ... This discussion is not useless hair-splitting scholasticism having nothing to do with our practical life, as can be seen in our many other theoretical essays dealing with real social issues, essays already posted and to be posted in the future.
FROM THE READER: This is a very informative newsletter
By Da Vid MD   2010-06-20
Acupuncture may ease pain by triggering release of natural painkiller
By Ian Sample   2010-05-31
Study in mice suggests that acupuncture relieves pain not just through the placebo effect but also by stimulating cells to pump out the body's own painkiller
Scientists Spot Secret in Michelangelo God
By Rob Quinn   2010-05-31
Sistine painting contains brain diagram -- a discovery of great significance.
1421: the year China discovered America? (video)
By Discovery Channel   2010-04-13
Can We Learn From China?
By John Feffer   2010-02-07
Leibniz on China
By Leibniz   2010-02-03
The Chinese also yield to us in military science, not so much out of ignorance as by deliberation. For they despise everything which creates or nourishes ferocity in men, and almost in emulation of the higher teachings of Christ (and not, as some wrongly suggest, because of anxiety), they are averse to war.
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