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Call for Donations to China Earthquake Victims
By Xinfajia
2008-05-17 12:59:06

Let us Cherish One Another to Appease our Mother Earth
-- A call from The New Legalist website headquarters
to our friends for donations to China earthquake victims

    Mother Earth vented her wrath once again in a major quake at 2: 28 PM (local time) on May 12, 2008, centered in Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province, China.

    So many children at their flowery age who were reading aloud in their classrooms will never see their parents again;
    So many parents will never see their kids grow up and will miss them forever with bleeding hearts;
    So many men and women, old and young, lost their beloved other halves, their life companions;
    So many will never see their dear brothers or sisters without saying good-bye…

    Due to the difficulty of access to the affected hilly regions and lack of high-power hoisting equipment, the number of casualties in tens of thousands is still rising. At this very moment ––
    Those buried alive under debris are calling out to us;
    Those kids who have lost their parents are calling out to us;
    Those seriously injured and waiting for medical care are calling out to us;
    Those survivors with bleeding hearts for loss of dear ones are calling out to us…
    Mr. Yuzhong Zhai, editor-in-chief for The New Legalist website (Chinese and English sections) and survivor of the 1976 Tangshan, China, earthquake, feels more strongly the suffering and pains inflicted on the people by such a major quake. Under his proposal, we, colleagues at The New Legalist website headquarters, are now appealing to our friends overseas, out of humanitarian concerns and in disregard of other convictions, to lend a helping hand immediately with donations to victims of the quake.

    Let us all, children of Mother Earth, appease her wrath by showing our fraternal feelings to each other.

Channel for sending donations from outside China:
China Red Cross Fund
Beneficiary Bank: Bank of China
Account No.: 800100086608091014

USA contact: Mr. Sherwin Lu
Tel.: (415) 495-7988 (10 am – 2 pm, Mon - Fri)
            (415) 681-7524 (Evening & weekend)
Email: lusherwin@yahoo.com

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