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Current Affairs Review
One quality in men might be even more attractive than good looks and a sense of humor
By Rebecca Harrington   2016-08-18
Loss of faith (Photo gallery showing decay of grand houses of God)
By Yahoo News Photo Staff   2016-08-17
Tomgram: Judith Coburn, On the Mean Streets of America
By Judith Coburn   2016-08-17
China launches quantum satellite for 'hack-proof' communications
By theguardian.com   2016-08-16
Highly complex attempts to build such a “hack-proof” communications network are based on the scientific principle of entanglement. According to this theory, two particles become “entangled” when they interact. However, any subsequent interaction impacts on both particles. “It is hence impossible to wiretap, intercept or crack the information transmitted through it,” Xinhua reported after Tuesday’s launch.
IRMEP files lawsuit against U.S. govt for illegal aid to nuclear Israel
By Corporate Crime Reporter   2016-08-16
We white people must own our role in racial injustice
By BY CHRIS MCLEOD   2016-08-15
What are we white people waiting for? We need to own our role in creating the problem. We must recognize our hypocrisy in condemning protestors’ violence when our hands are bloody. It is arrogant to believe we have all the answers.
In less than 8 Months, Humanity exhausts Earth's budget for the year
By footprintnetwork.org   2016-08-15
A giant solar storm nearly triggered a nuclear war in 1967
By Dave Mosher   2016-08-14
Also wtach a related movie and an animated map
President Obama Continues to Air America's Dirtiest Laundry
By CHARLES P. PIERCE   2016-08-14
Take note, Hillary Clinton.
Tomgram: William Astore, Why It's So Hard for Members of the Military to Speak Out
By William Astore   2016-08-13
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