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Current Affairs Review
Tomgram: Todd Miller, The Great Mexican Wall Deception
By Todd Miller   2016-08-25
No Need to Build The Donald's Wall, It’s Built -- Trump’s America Already Exists on the Border
Why Islamophobia Is Bad For America: A Rabbi’s View
By Mordecai Schreiber   2016-08-24
Divided America: Diverse millennials are no voting monolith
By AP   2016-08-23
Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, Making Sense of Trump and His National Security State Critics
By Rebecca Gordon   2016-08-23
What Does It Mean When War Hawks Say, “Never Trump”? -- The Enemies of My Enemy May Be War Criminals
The benefits of the Rio Olympics aren't being shared across Brazil: Ford Foundation president
By Andy Serwer   2016-08-22
The Day Before Deraa: How the War Broke Out in Syria
By Steven Sahiounie   2016-08-21
The CIA has no problem with covert operations in foreign countries, and even full scale attacks, but the matter of funding needs to come from a foreign country, because the American voters don’t care about killing people in Syria, but they would never agree to pay for it. As long as the Arabs were paying for the project, that was OK by Mr. John Q. Public, who probably was not able to find Syria on a map anyway.
Longest Continuous Protest against Nuclear Weapons (Interview video)
By yahoo.com   2016-08-20
ABC News' Jordyn Phelps talks with the White House's longtime next-door neighbors.
Cow Most Sacred: Why Military Spending Remains Untouchable
By Andrew J. Bacevich   2016-08-19
... a classic piece published at this site [i.e., TomDispatch] on January 27, 2011.... so little has changed in the five-and-a-half years since Andrew Bacevich wrote it and so it remains, as he suggests in his new introduction, painfully relevant. Tom / ...the problem isn't George W. Bush and Barack Obama (and therefore won't be solved by Hillary or The Donald). It's not that we have a war party that keeps a peace party under its boot. No, the problem is bigger and deeper: a fraudulent idea of freedom defined in quantitative material terms; a neoliberal political economy that privileges growth over all other values; a political system in which Big Money’s corruption has become pervasive; and, of course, the behemoth of the national security apparatus... Andrew Bacevich
How to avert America’s Brexit
By Glenn Hutchins   2016-08-19
How the Welfare 'Racket' Twists Poverty and Harms Human Dignity
By Tyler O'Neil   2016-08-18
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