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Current Affairs Review
The exhausted American voter: Ready for a change?
By Christian Science Monitor   2016-07-22
... never in the history of polling have the two top party nominees, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, had such high negatives.
With TPP Dead, What Next For World Trade?
By Jean-Pierre Lehmann   2016-07-22
... the countries of the Quad [the US, Canada, the EU and Japan] did not first establish rules and then become powerful and prosperous, but the reverse: first, plunder, then establish the rules to prevent new actors from doing the same.
The Supreme Court’s new definition of corruption is out of step with what Americans think
By Michael Johnston   2016-07-21
Watch: 4 myths about the Black Lives Matter movement, debunked (Video)
By Victoria M. Massie   2016-07-21
Franchesca Ramsey answers all the questions your Facebook friends have about Black Lives Matter.
China’s ‘Fox Hunt’ Achieves Excellent Results
By AsiaToday   2016-07-20
The Second Amendment
By Tom Paine   2016-07-20
Why does the current issue on guns meet with such divisiveness?
Refugee Crisis: Oxfam Report Says Wealthiest Nations Welcome Least Number Of Asylum-Seekers
By Mary Pascaline   2016-07-18
With comment by The New Legalist editor
The Trojan Drone: An Illegal Military Strategy Disguised as Technological Advance
By Rebecca Gordon   2016-07-18
Political Climate Change: Bernie Sander’s Exit And The Rise Of The Greens’ Jill Stein
By Zhenya Beck   2016-07-17
Deep dislike for the two leading candidates could scramble the race as some voters seek alternatives
Hooked! The Unyielding Grip of Fossil Fuels on Global Life
By Michael T. Klare   2016-07-15
With comment by The New Legalist editor
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