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Current Affairs Review
China ratifies Paris climate pact, US tipped to follow
By Tom Hancock   2016-09-04
The 5 most outrageous things Hillary Clinton said in her FBI interview
By Jake Novak   2016-09-03
No, reports on Clinton's health are not conspiracy theories
By Joe Concha   2016-09-03
If things were relatively normal, somewhat civil, reasonable people would agree on this simple request. But this election is anything but normal, anything but civil.
Eric Greitens: Bill and Hillary Clinton have made a mockery of America’s foundation system
By Eric Greitens   2016-09-02
Bill Clinton aides used tax dollars to subsidize foundation, private email support
By Kenneth P. Vogel   2016-09-02
Program for ex-presidents paid salaries and benefits to Clinton aides at the center of controversies.
Poll: Clinton Unpopularity at New High, on Par With Trump
The Financial Times: Megaphone for Mass Murder
By James Petras   2016-08-31
Apple is the source of mistreatment of Chinese workers
By chinalaborwatch.org   2016-08-29
Apple makes big profits but Chinese workers' wage are on the slide
Religious extremism: Why not vet Christians as well?
By Letters editor   2016-08-27
Trump vs. Hillary: A Summation
By Paul Craig Roberts   2016-08-26
The imbecillic Americans who vote for Hillary are voting for war and their own immiseration. Possibly, a vote for Trump is the same. However, in the case of Trump we do not know that. In the case of Hillary we most certainly do know it.
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