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Current Affairs Review
What the Benghazi attack taught me about Hillary Clinton
By Gregory N. Hicks   2016-09-12
If Mrs. Clinton was unable to fulfill her security obligations to the federal employees she was legally obligated to protect as secretary of state, how can we trust her with the security of our entire country? I won’t. -- By Deputy Chief of Mission for Libya
Lessons from G20 Summit: Two different routes to the future
By GEORGE KOO   2016-09-12
Tomgram: Engelhardt, A 9/11 Retrospective: Washington's 15-Year Air War
By Tom Engelhardt   2016-09-11
Study: [U.S.A.] Hospitals charge more than 20 times cost on some procedures to maximize revenue
By Patrick Ercolano   2016-09-11
Outrageous! Outrageous! Outrageous!
From burkinis to the Koran: Why Islam isn't like other faiths
By Shadi Hamid   2016-09-10
With comment by The New Legalist editor
The Hillary Files: How special interests that violate health, human rights and the environment have pre-purchased the Clinton presidency
By Mike Adams   2016-09-08
Tomgram: Nick Turse, What the U.S. Military Doesn't Know (and Neither Do You)
By Nick Turse   2016-09-07
Even Worse Than Clinton's Emails: Civil Service Was MIA, We Learned About The Emails From a Hacker
By William McGurn   2016-09-07
It isn’t so much that Mrs. Clinton set up a personal server so she would not be accountable the way normal political appointees are held accountable. It’s that no one in government stopped her.
94 Percent of Union Members Didn't Vote for the Union that Represents Them
By TYLER O'NEIL   2016-09-05
Unions are winning fights, just not members
By Evan Horowitz   2016-09-04
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