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Current Affairs Review
Nearly 200 nations agree binding deal to cut greenhouse gases
By cnbc.com   2016-10-17
Blowback for American sins in the Philippines
By Stephen Kinzer   2016-10-17
Washington Should Stop Militarizing the Pacific
Tomgram: Dilip Hiro, Unipolar No More
By Dilip Hiro   2016-10-13
American Power at the Crossroads: A Snapshot of a Multipolar World in Action
Washington Should Stop Militarizing the Pacific
Can global capitalism and liberal democracy survive?
By Martin Wolf   2016-10-12
The symbiotic relationship is under strain, last seen during rise of fascism in the 1930s
Yinchuan, China: The smart city where your face is your credit card
By Daisy Carrington   2016-10-12
Voices: That Fox News segment about Asian Americans is 'heartbreaking'
By Grace Z. Li,Sruthi Palaniappan   2016-10-11
An Open Letter to the Woman Who Told My Family to Go Back to China
By MICHAEL LUO   2016-10-11
Private Hillary vs. Public Hillary: What the Latest WikiLeaks Tell Us About Clinton's Willingness to Deceive Americans
By Walker Bragman   2016-10-09
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