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Current Affairs Review
After These Days of Rage
By ALAN JOHNSON   2016-11-10
The Rejection of Wall Street’s Globalization Project: Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead!
By DIANA JOHNSTONE   2016-11-09
President-Elect Trump: Hillary Lost because Power Brokers decided She was Damaged Goods
By Stephen Lendman   2016-11-09
Will America’s Good Name Survive the 2016 Election?
By STEPHEN M. WALT   2016-11-08
The campaign shenanigans might end on Nov. 8, but the damage done to America’s reputation could be insurmountable.
Forget the Cost to the Candidates. This Campaign’s Cost America More.
In America’s democratic showcase, the world sees a model of what not to do
By Griff Witte   2016-11-08
Election 2016 and the Growing Global Nuclear Threat
By Michael T. Klare   2016-11-07
Playing a Game of Chicken with Nuclear Strategy
Why Hillary Clinton Is Such An Effective, Perpetual Liar
By Daniel Payne   2016-11-05
Hillary Clinton has lied so frequently that it is entirely possible that she has come to believe some of her own lies.
FBI Leaks: Clinton Foundation Probe a 'Very High Priority,' Will Likely Lead to an Indictment
By BY DEBRA HEINE   2016-11-04
Reparations owed for “Racial Terrorism” says UN Committee
By Phoebe Braithwaite   2016-11-04
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