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Current Affairs Review
Hillary Clinton: Wall Street’s Losing Horse? Constitutional Crisis? What’s the End Game?
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky   2016-11-03
Pope on Reformation: Forgive 'errors' of past, forge unity
By ANDREW MEDICHINI, etc.   2016-11-03
Younger Americans, Europeans losing faith in democracy
By Leonid Bershidsky   2016-11-02
What This Muslim Syrian Woman Wants All Westerns to Understand
By DIMA LABABIDI   2016-11-02
This map will change how you think about American voters — especially small-town, heartland white voters
By Jonathan Rodden   2016-11-01
The fatal expense of American imperialism
By Jeffrey D. Sachs   2016-11-01
Keynesian Or Austrian? How China Should Have Solved Its Economy
By Douglas Bulloch   2016-11-01
In Election 2016, what does 'corrupt' mean?
By csmonitor.com   2016-10-31
Obama’s Foreign Policy: A Hostage to Bipartisan Consensus
By James Carden   2016-10-31
 He may have criticized the “Washington playbook,” but he couldn’t overcome DC's interventionist orthodoxy.
Humanity Has Entered New Climate Reality Era
By Alex Kirby   2016-10-30
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