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President Obama Continues to Air America's Dirtiest Laundry
2016-08-14 06:29:38
Source: esquire.com

Jusst as Hillary Rodham Clinton begins trolling for support in the corridors of the conservative foreign policy wax museum comes even more evidence that her friends therein enabled some pretty nasty stuff on the civilian populations of other countries back when they all wielded actual power.

Say what you will about this president and transparency, he's tried to clear the decks historically of a lot of ancient, foul-smelling bilge.


The Hill has the skinny on the latest cleanup of a foreign policy SuperFund site.

As many as 30,000 people were killed and "disappeared" during the seven-year period from 1976 to 1983, after a military junta overthrew then-President Isabel Perón and carried out a purge of leftists and political dissidents. During a visit to Buenos Aires in March, President Obama bemoaned the slowness of the U.S. to condemn the crackdown in Argentina. Leaders in Washington such as then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger originally supported the junta's efforts and appeared to encourage it to act quickly so as not to suffer a blowback from Congress."The quicker you succeed the better," Kissinger told Argentina's foreign minister in 1976, shortly after the coup took place.

By all means, HRC, seek this dude's counsel.

It helps if you put on a chest-full of medals and a hat with some braid, though.

I guess this is what they mean when they say the president "apologizes for America." For me, I think the Monroe Doctrine is one of the most overlooked alibis for monstrous crimes ever devised.

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