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Current Affairs Review
Food giants undermined China's obesity fight, scholar says
By Candice Choi, Ap   2019-01-19
A Book Ever New -- Lessons from the Living Cell: The Limits of Reductionism by Stephen Rothman
By Xinfajia   2019-01-18
As traditional Chinese logic indicates that a dead human is not a human, the sum of dead parts does not make up a live human being. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is totally based on a holistic view of the human being, both body and soul included. Hence the practice of "meditation" (an inaccurate translation of "静修" -- "serenity cultivation" to get rid of excessive desires as a precondition for mental, physical and psychological health); the theory of meridians and medical/health-maintenance practice based on it; etc. -- The New Legalist editor
Ex-Trump lawyer: rigging polls 'was at the direction of' Trump
By Reuters   2019-01-18
RELATED: BuzzFeed News: Docs & emails show Trump told Cohen to lie to Congress. / Shame on you, "President" THIEF, who has stolen the United States of America!!! RESIGN from your stolen position IMMEDIATELY!!! -- The New Legalist editor
The Silver Bullet to Stop the Corporate State Pillage
By Lee Camp   2019-01-17
RELATED: Dr. Richard Wolff gave a crash course on what every responsible citizen should know about capitalism (video)
President Trump’s Losing Strategy: Embracing Brazil And Confronting China
By James Petras   2019-01-16
This ‘Four Generation’ Challenge From China Is The Most Heartwarming Meme Of 2019 Thus Far
By latest-today-news.com   2019-01-15
In the final analysis, this is a challenge against the mainstream Western thought tradition of atomistic individualism as reflected in the capitalistic economic, political and cultural system. With philosophical and ethical individualism underlining Western social system and life, everything is fragmented: from academic thinking to systemic institutions to family life. Child life in the family is the earliest and most fundamental stage for every one's moral education, where a sense of interdependence between all human beings, which is the emotive basis for feelings of empathy and benevolence, can be most directly witnessed, felt and cultivated. The disintegration of the family institution which has originated in the capitalist Western world and is being globalized with the globalization of capital, is finally resulting in the threatening disintegration of the whole human civilization. Hence the significance of this ‘Four Generation’ Challenge From China. -- The New Legalist editor
Tomgram: Nick Turse, One Down, Who Knows How Many to Go?
By Nick Turse   2019-01-15
War Whores(and video)
By Paul Edwards   2019-01-14
Bordering on Fascism: Scholars Reflect on Dangerous Times
By PAUL STREET   2019-01-13
Astronaut: What China's moon landing means for US
By Leroy Chiao   2019-01-12
Related:Video shows Chinese space probe's successful touchdown on moon
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