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Current Affairs Review
The Mattis Dilemma
By Philip M. Giraldi   2019-01-01
...There is another viewpoint, which is that American blundering and use of force as a first option has, in fact, created the current dystopia. The United States is not currently venerated as a force for good, quite the opposite. Opinion polls suggest that Washington is overwhelmingly viewed negatively worldwide and it is perceived as being the nation most likely to start wars....
Press freedom for UK and US significantly worse than other rich countries
By Lianna Brinded   2018-12-31
Richard Wolff: We Need a More Humane Economic System—Not One That Only Benefits the Rich (video and text)
By Richard Wolff   2018-12-30
Tiny Jordan's outsize role fostering interfaith understanding
By Taylor Luck   2018-12-29
Mention religion in the Middle East and what often leaps to mind is conflict: Muslim vs. Jew, Sunni vs. Shiite. But from Jordan, a religious crossroads, comes a forceful call for interfaith harmony.******** GUARD AGAINST "DIVIDE AND RULE" TACTICS PLAYED BY MONOPOLY CAPITAL AGENTS LIKE TRUMP AND CLINTON. -- The New Legalist editor*******
The deep roots of America’s rural-urban political divide
By Peter Grier   2018-12-28
Rural voters are an often-mentioned base of support for Donald Trump and Republicans generally. But there's a deeper story behind the rural-urban divide in US politics – and a danger in oversimplifying it. Fifth in our “Democracy Under Strain” series. Links to other parts at the end. ******** GUARD AGAINST "DIVIDE AND RULE" TACTICS PLAYED BY MONOPOLY CAPITAL AGENTS LIKE TRUMP AND CLINTON. -- The New Legalist editor*******
Noam Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent revisited
By aljazeera.com   2018-12-27
A Listening Post special marking 30 years since the publication of Manufacturing Consent and its relevance today.
Guns & Butter: The Vocabulary of Economic Deception
By Xinfajia   2018-12-26
U.S. border wall no match for Mexican girl's Santa wish list
By Reuters   2018-12-25
A touching human story!
Jesus Was Born in a Police State
By John W. Whitehead   2018-12-25
Our Poor, Defenseless Military Industrial Complex
By ALAN MACLEOD   2018-12-24
Media decry ‘inadequate’ US military budget that rivals rest of world combined
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