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Current Affairs Review
Just How Corrupt Is The American Soul?
By Lawrence Davidson   2018-12-07
And RELATED: Hightower Up Against the Corporate Wall, from "Corporate Crime Reporter"
Washington Mourns War Criminal (Videos)
By Jimmy Dore   2018-12-06
War criminals mourn death of war criminal. Chomsky Proves George H.W. Bush Was War Criminal
Here’s What We Know So Far About the 2019 Women’s March
By BRIT + CO   2018-12-05
David Attenborough: Collapse of Civilization is on the Horizon
By Damian Carrington in Katowice   2018-12-05
Naturalist tells leaders at UN climate summit that fate of world is in their hands
The Ignored Legacy of George H.W. Bush: War Crimes, Racism, and Obstruction of Justice
By Mehdi Hasan   2018-12-04
Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, Grandmasters of the Universe
By Alfred McCoy   2018-12-03
What If There Were No Borders?
By Robert Sullivan   2018-12-02
An argument that modern nation-states and the international system have taken away people’s rights to move and migrate and have monopolized the authority to decide who is in and who is out, and even what citizenship is. (Do not miss The New Legalist editor's comment.)
G20 Summit, Top Agenda Item: Bye-Bye American Empire
The problem is that Washington is demanding the impossible. It’s like as if the US wants China to turn the clock back to some imagined former era of robust American capitalism. But it is not in China’s power to do that. The global economy has shifted structurally away from US dominance. The wheels of production and growth are in China’s domain of Eurasia.
Trump vs. the world: The president finds himself isolated at G20
By Yahoo View   2018-12-01
After a week of bad headlines on Mueller's Russia investigation, Trump finds himself increasingly isolated among world leaders at the G20 Summit in Buenos Aires.
Tomgram: Aviva Chomsky, Making Native Americans Strangers in Their Own Land
By Aviva Chomsky   2018-12-01
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