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Current Affairs Review
The world favors immigration and working with other countries, WEF report claims
By David Reid   2019-01-26
The Danger Within: Border Patrol Is Turning America Into a Constitution-Free Zone
By John W. Whitehead   2019-01-25
RELATED: President Trump made 8,158 false or misleading claims in his first two years / “Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.”— William Pitt
Washington Orchestrates Coup in Venezuela, Incites Civil War, in Name of ‘Democracy’
By Finian Cunningham   2019-01-25
RELATED: Venezuela divide: Turkey, Russia, China stand against Washington, its Latin America allies / US Initiates Coup Against President Nicolás Maduro / Experts Call for US to Stop Interfering in Venezuela / Former top US military official: don't invade Venezuela / Mobilize and Defend Venezuela / Antiwar Hero Medea Benjamin Disrupts Venezuela Coup Circle Jerk / Before Venezuela, US had long involvement in Latin America
'Real journalists act as agents of people, not power'
By John Pilger, Eresh Omar Jamal   2019-01-24
The United States has constitutionally the freest press on earth, yet in practice it has a media obsequious to the formulas and deceptions of power. That is why the US was effectively given media approval to invade Iraq, and Libya, and Syria and dozens of other countries.
To The Teachers And Parents Of Covington Catholic High School
By Chloe Foussianes   2019-01-23
RELATED: Trump sides with Catholic high school students from controversial Lincoln Memorial
American ‘Liberal’ Delusions on Trump
By Finian Cunningham   2019-01-23
The reality is that the US has been sliding into authoritarianism, plutocracy and oligarchy, or dare we say fascism, for decades. The political figure of Trump – obnoxious as he is – is merely the culmination of this degenerative process in American politics. / The obscenity of American capitalism and its grotesque exploitation of millions of American citizens – creating islands of super wealth among a sea of poverty – is a repudiation of any notion of a functioning democracy.
Tomgram: Susan Southard, Against Forgetting
By Susan Southard   2019-01-22
Staring Down the Smug Face of American Violence
By Hunter Hooligan, The Cut   2019-01-22
...they are so emblematic of the violence that indigenous people have suffered for over 500 years in the United States. We have been raped, relocated, trafficked, separated, degraded, demoralized, and massacred by the United States government and a culture of media, economy, education, and religion that has dehumanized indigenous people for the entire history of this stolen country.
The ‘Private Governments’ That Subjugate U.S. Workers
By Chris Hedges   2019-01-21
Ever New Book -- The Eastern Origins of Western Civilisation by Professor John M. Hobson
By Xinfajia   2019-01-20
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