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Current Affairs Review
In countries destroyed by the West, people should stop admiring the U.S. and Europe
By Andre Vltchek   2019-02-27
RELATED: Inside Venezuela’s state-subsidized communal markets (video) / The New Legalist editor: The tiny handful of blood-suckers have not only succeeded in polarizing the world in material wealth distribution but also in spiritual/intellectual polarization of humanity into extremely sophisticated sly monsters (themselves) vs. simple-minded straight-forwardly-thinking masses (all the rest). Where is the road to salvation? In traditional China's Daoist-Legalism!
Rising anti-US sentiment on Okinawa ahead of military base referendum
By Danielle Demetriou   2019-02-26
RELATED:Okinawa referendum rejects relocation for US military base / Okinawa 'no' vote won't delay US base move: Japan PM
Who’s a populist? Democrats taking on Trump look to reclaim the mantle.
By Linda Feldmann   2019-02-24
None of those who does not oppose US wars outside the borders and interference in other countries' internal affairs is a genuine populist but a "populist" in rhetoric only like Trump, serving the interests of monopoly capitalist speculators like Trump, not the interests of the working majority. Working people do not have interests in other people's domestic affairs. No other countries are currently acting as a world bully like the US has been. Do not trust their words. Do not vote for any of them! -- The New Legalist editor
U.S. Insists Europe Is Following Trump’s Lead. Cue Awkward Silence
By Marc Champion   2019-02-24
"Democratic vs. authoritarian" as defined in Western liberalist diction is a false concept that fails to describe the true nature of a government. Politics is an extension of socio-economic power relations. A good government, whether it’s "democratic" (in form) or centralized ("authoritarian"), should be judged by whether it works to bring about and maintain a power balance between the most important two social groups (classes), i.e., those who make a living by providing labor, physical and/or mental, and those who make money mainly by investing money. This commentator does not deny the social function of money investment but, finally speaking, all wealth, material or spiritual, comes from labor, not paper that represents a currency! But when a goverment works to maintain domination by money investors over labor providers instead of regulating and restraining money investors’ unscrupulous profit-seeking without a sense of social responsibility, it IS an authoritarian government -- big capital dictatorship! -- even if it is "democratic" in form. And when labor-capital power relationship is balanced and all political activities are based on such a balance, any centralized government formed through such political activities would not be very far from a genuinely democratic one. Do away with those deceptive liberalist gibberishes!!! -- The New Legalist editor
Tomgram: Michael Klare, A Long War of Attrition
By Michael Klare   2019-02-23
Is Tulsi Gabbard for Real? America Is Ready for a Genuine Peace Candidate
By Philip Giraldi   2019-02-22
For the moment, Tulsi Gabbard seems to be the “real thing,” a genuine anti-war candidate who is determined to run on that platform. It might just resonate with the majority of Americans who have grown tired of perpetual warfare to “spread democracy” and other related frauds perpetrated by the band of oligarchs and traitors that run the United States. We the people can always hope.
7 Reasons Stock Buybacks Should Be Illegal
By Will Ashworth   2019-02-21
Did you know that stock buybacks were illegal until 1982? It’s true. The SEC, operating under the Reagan Republicans, passed rule 10b-18, which made stock buybacks legal. Up until the passing of this rule, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 considered large-scale share repurchases a form of stock manipulation.
Ocasio-Cortez Slams The 'Racial Injustice' Of The Cannabis Business As White Men Profit
By Mary Papenfuss   2019-02-20
RELATED:Marijuana Is Way More Dangerous to Teens than Alcohol, According to Study
There is "no way the US can crush" Huawei, says boss (news video)
By Ren Zhengfei   2019-02-19
Ren Zhengfei described the arrest of his daughter Meng Wanzhou, the company's chief financial officer, as politically motivated.
Break Free From The Corporate Prison (Video)
By Caitlin Johnstone   2019-02-19
RELATED: Amazon pays no federal income tax for 2018, despite soaring profits, report says
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