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This ‘Four Generation’ Challenge From China Is The Most Heartwarming Meme Of 2019 Thus Far
By latest-today-news.com
2019-01-15 01:06:15

 Source: latest-today-news.com

In the final analysis, this is a challenge against the mainstream Western thought tradition of atomistic individualism as reflected in the capitalistic economic, political and cultural system. With philosophical and ethical individualism underlining Western social system and life, everything is fragmented: from academic thinking to systemic institutions to family life. 

Child life in the family is the earliest and most fundamental stage for every one’s moral education, where a sense of interdependence between all human beings, which is the emotive basis for feelings of empathy and benevolence, can be most directly witnessed, felt and cultivated. The disintegration of the family institution, which has originated in the capitalist Western world and is being globalized with the globalization of capital, is finally resulting in the threatening disintegration of the whole human civilization. Hence the significance of this ‘Four Generation’ Challenge From China.                                                                                                          
                                                                               -- The New Legalist editor


 Social media is a more wholesome place this week after a video meme from China depicting four generations of family members under one roof has gone viral.

    What is it: The “four generations challenge” begins with a child walking into a room and calling back to their parent, who in turn walks into the same room and calls back to their parent and so forth until four generations of family members have entered the room.

    this Chinese four generations meme is so wholesome omg pic.twitter.com/bozR6rB93w

    — kassy cho (@kassy) January 4, 2019

    Where did it start: Appearing to originate on Douyin, China’s version of the popular video app TikTok, the “four generations” challenge caught the attention of the West last weekend when Buzzfeed reporter Kassy Cho posted a video of a family participating in the challenge on her Twitter account.

    Now: Since the challenge went viral, families from around the world, including the Philippines, India and United States have posted their own “four generations” challenge videos online.

    Check out a few of these videos below (warning: they may make you really miss your parents or grandparents).

    this is too cute a woman calls her mum, who responds and calls her mum, who also responds and calls her mum, who also responds and makes an appearance pic.twitter.com/tHLD6eFtNB

    — kassy cho (@kassy) January 4, 2019

    We are in Peru and had to do it! #FourGenerations #women #JapanesePeruvian pic.twitter.com/LugajxaDBP 

    — cin mohr (@cin_mohr) January 6, 2019

    Our four generations all the way from India

    — Hemant Mohapatra (@MohapatraHemant) January 6, 2019

    We’re visiting my grandmother this weekend and used the opportunity to make a Norwegian version ???? #FourGenerations #Mamma pic.twitter.com/He8gMyCkhO

    — Jannicke (@JannickesArt) January 5, 2019

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