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The Yellow Emperor's Four Canons, 11: Contemplation(黄帝四经11: 观)
By Anonymous Author   2008-03-09
The Yellow Emperor sent his minister, named Li Hei, out in civilian clothes on an inspection tour around the vassal states to see 。。。
The Yellow Emperor's Four Canons, 10: Lifelong Mission(黄帝四经10: 立命)
By Anonymous Author   2008-03-05
The Yellow Emperor in remote antiquity had a good moral character from the start and cherished the virtue of being truthful to the Tao....
The Yellow Emperor's Four Canons, 9: Names and Principles(黄帝四经9: 名理)
By Anonymous Author   2008-03-03
This very unchangeableness in change should be the source of our human intelligence. In handling all human affairs, one must first check the names and then from the names one traces back to the underlying principles to see ...
The Yellow Emperor's Four Canons, 8: On the Covenant(黄帝四经8: 论约)
By Anonymous Author   2008-03-01
A sage who knows the Tao, when observing things under heaven, makes a point of finding out their sources of origin and checking their forms (what is real) and names (what is in words) against each other....by checking them against the eternal law of Heaven and Earth, he will find out the causes of their birth and death, fortune and misfortune, rise and fall, and survival and extinction....
The Yellow Emperor's Four Canons, 7: Ways to Extinction(黄帝四经7: 亡论)
By Anonymous Author   2008-02-28
Whoever runs counter to the Heavenly law and does what It prohibits will be punished by Heaven. Any state facing six kinds of dangers resulting from these violations will be extinguished. Any state which indulges torturing or killing three kinds of innocent people is not far from death itself, ...
The Yellow Emperor's Four Canons, 6: A Discourse(黄帝四经6: 论)
By Anonymous Author   2008-02-25
The Six Strategic Principles: Observe to find signs of life or death of a state. Analyze to know the causes of its rise or fall. Act timely to restrain the aggressive and protect the weak. Judge by law to defend the right and suppress the wrong. Adapt flexibly to wipe out the decayed and foster the newborn. Use reward and punishment alternately to promote virtue and eliminate vice. By applying these six principles, kingship can be secured.
The Yellow Emperor's Four Canons, 5: The Four Principles(黄帝四经5: 四度)
By Anonymous Author   2008-02-22
If the king on one side and his ministers on the other maintain their relation as appropriate to their respective positions and perform their respective duties, it is called “no meddling”. If the worthy and unworthy are ranked properly, it is called “good order”. If mobilization for military and other public services and demobilization follow the Heavenly law of seasonal changes on Earth, it is called “good civil administration” (“文”,“文治”). If force is properly used to punish injustice and evil, it is called “heroic military feat” (“武”,“武功”).
The Yellow Emperor's Four Canons, 4: Six-Way Demarcation(黄帝四经4: 六分)
By Anonymous Author   2008-02-19
The six-way demarcation between the ideal or nearly ideal and the anomalous -- the king is performing his duties as expected or not, the ministers loyal or "sitting on the fence", the royal family sound or split, etc. -- spells different possible futures for the state.
The Yellow Emperor's Four Canons, 3: The Upright King(黄帝四经3 : 君正)
By Anonymous Author   2008-02-16
An upright king running a newly-annexed state follows the local customs in the first year, and in the second year selects local people with virtue to fill official positions. In the third year, people reap the benefits from his reign and get plenty. In the forth year the king begins to issue decrees, and to govern with law in the fifth year. In the sixth year, people begin to show awe and deference. And in the seventh year, it is safe to go to battles against an enemy.
The Yellow Emperor's Four Canons, 2: State Order(黄帝四经2: 国次)
By Anonymous Author   2008-02-14
A state without law and order would be out of joint. Whoever steals openly will be disgraced by Heaven; Whoever steal secretly will lay waste to the land; Whoever overuse the land will be punished by natural calamities; Whoever abuses power will be exiled by the people; Whoever forms factions will suffer troubles from both inside and outside.
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