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The Yellow Emperor's Four Canons, 8: On the Covenant(黄帝四经8: 论约)
By Anonymous Author
2008-03-01 02:12:49

(Translated by Sherwin Lu)

An Abstract:
A sage who knows the Tao, when observing things under heaven, makes a point of finding out their sources of origin and checking their forms (what is real) and names (what is in words) against each other. When forms and names are determined, whether each of them is playing a positive or negative role, whether rising or declining, prospering or dying away, can be distinguished. Then, by checking them against the eternal law of Heaven and Earth, he will find out the causes of their birth and death, fortune and misfortune, rise and fall, and survival and extinction. Thus, whatever he does, he does it in accord with the cardinal principle and will not take a false step when planning for everything under heaven.

The Text:
Life begins with cultivation and ends in destruction. This is the law of Heaven and Earth. The four seasons alternate in a regular pattern. This is the way of Heaven and Earth. The sun, the moon and all other stars are positioned in definite orbits and moving in regular cycles. This is the order of Heaven and Earth. Growing up from Spring through Autumn and withering away in winter, with definite and eternal regularity and no blunders ever -- this is the way ordained by Heaven and Earth. Seasons come and go and come again while Life is created and destroyed and re-created.…  This same process repeats itself again and again, never ending. This is also true with human affairs.

The principles guiding human actions must be in accord with the Tao of Heaven. If one goes too far, going further than what is appropriate as judged by the Tao, he will suffer defeat. If he goes not far enough, not up to the standard as set by the Tao, he will not accomplish anything. Only when he is in step with the Tao, will he be able to reach his goal. This should be the cardinal principle for all human actions. Going along with the Tao of Heaven ensures survival. Acting in unison with the Tao guarantees success. Going against the Tao spells self-destruction. Ignoring the Tao disables one to accomplish anything. Running counter to the Tao of Heaven means deserting the guiding principle for the state. Without the guiding principle, there will be confusion between right and wrong. When the principle is lost and the state not functioning, there will be disturbance and the state will disintegrate. When no longer blessed by Heaven, land will be taken away or the whole state be annexed by another ruler.  Disregarding the Heavenly law and abusing manpower will lead to failure in everything. One who tries to preserve what is due for extinction and suppress what is due to prosper is running counter to the set way of things and, so, will invite punishment either from man-made disasters or from heaven. When a reverse tendency is just beginning to expand, do not try to check it. It will get punished in due time by its own doing. 

Therefore, a sage who knows the Tao, when observing things under heaven, makes a point of finding out their sources of origin and checking their forms (what is real) and names (what is in words) against each other. When forms and names are determined, whether each of them is playing a positive or negative role, whether rising or declining, prospering or dying away, can be distinguished. Then, by checking them against the eternal law of Heaven and Earth, he will find out the causes of their birth and death, fortune and misfortune, rise and fall, and survival and extinction. Thus, whatever he does, he does it in accord with the cardinal principle and will not take a false step when planning for everything under heaven. In this way, the throne and the top three ministerial positions are properly filled and all-under-heaven getting edified. This is called “abiding by the Tao”.


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