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The Yellow Emperor's Four Canons, 21: The Tao of Governing(黄帝四经21: 前道)
By Anonymous Author   2008-05-17
Sage-kings rely on the guiding principle of the Tao: they know the law of balance between Yin and Yang aspects in the Heavenly cycles, earthly environment, and human conditions and know how to do things in conformance with it; they know how to ensure that the names of things match their forms and the statuses of people match their performance.
The Yellow Emperor's Four Canons, 20: Basic Principle for War (黄帝四经20: 本伐)
By Anonymous Author   2008-05-09
Countries maintaining a strong army may have different motives for resorting to arms. Roughly, there are three: for spoils, for justice, or for vengeance....The right approach to war is to always stay on the defensive side. ...
The Yellow Emperor's Four Canons, 19: Three Prohibitions(黄帝四经19: 三禁)
By Anonymous Author   2008-05-06
Inconsistency in conduct is prohibited by Heaven; Meddling with farming activities is prohibited by the Earth; Breaking rules is prohibited by the sovereign.
The Yellow Emperor's Four Canons, 18: The Established Law(黄帝四经18: 成法)
By Anonymous Author   2008-05-05
...As everything between heaven and earth was given a name and each name made to match each form, people's different statuses should also match each person's performance and vice versa, so as not to violate the one single law governing all under heaven.... all the names and all the forms should be at one with each other. Then, nobody can break the rules without getting punished....
The Yellow Emperor's Four Canons, 17: Features of Military Affairs(黄帝四经17: 兵容)
By Anonymous Author   2008-05-01
A military action which does not follow the supreme principles of Heaven, Earth and human affairs will not succeed. If by chance it succeeds for the time being, people will not benefit but suffer from it.
The Yellow Emperor's Four Canons, 16: The Yin vs. the Yang Mentality(黄帝四经16: 雌雄节)
By Anonymous Author   2008-04-29
On examining the general course of events, the Yellow Emperor can predict people’s good or bad fortune by telling whether they have the Yin or the Yang mentality....
The Yellow Emperor's Four Canons, 15: Tribal Strife(黄帝四经15: 姓争)
By Anonymous Author   2008-04-27
...Heavenly virtue shines bright but would not penetrate people’s hearts without the law punishing the vicious; the Heavenly law strikes awe into the vicious but will not overwhelm without conscious cultivation of virtue....Heaven and Earth help those who chose restraint or action at proper times and fail those who do not....
The Yellow Emperor's Four Canons, 14: Order out of Chaos(黄帝四经14: 正乱)
By Anonymous Author   2008-04-21
。。。The eternal law sets a limit to the satisfaction of anybody’s desires, beyond which things will turn against him.。。。check carefully the way he behaved in the past to find his Achilles’ heel and watch his future actions till a chance occurs for the decisive blow. 。。。 When his people rise against him, 。。。
The Yellow Emperor's Four Canons, 13: Guo Tong(黄帝四经13: 果童)
By Anonymous Author   2008-04-11
...Only rigorous laws will protect fairness; only consistency between status and performance will cultivate uprightness....
The Yellow Emperor's Four Canons, 12: Setting Things Right(黄帝四经12: 五正)
By Anonymous Author   2008-04-11
It is evil to initiate a fight, but if we do not face and meet the challenge squarely, fighting will not die out by itself. So, why not go and fight it out?
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