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The Yellow Emperor's Four Canons, 17: Features of Military Affairs(黄帝四经17: 兵容)
By Anonymous Author
2008-05-01 01:29:43

(Translated by Sherwin Lu)

    A military operation should fit the cycle of Heaven; otherwise it should not be initiated.

    A military operation should fit the topography of the place; otherwise, it should not be planned.

    A military operation should fit the need of the people; otherwise it would not lead to final victory.

    …[Missing words]… is shaped by Heaven and Earth. A sage knows how to comply with the way of Heaven and Earth to make it a success. In his consideration, timing is an important factor. Following the cycle of changes in nature and in human affairs and seizing the right moment is the key. A sage does not force his will on anything, nor shrink from Heaven-mandated duties, but goes along with the development of things and make prompt decisions in good time. If one fails to take the decisive action at due time, it is self-destructive.

    Either to give or to take depending on the circumstances is the way of Heaven. Passing up a Heaven-bestowed opportunity is an invitation of adversity.

    A military action which does not follow the supreme principles of Heaven, Earth and human affairs will not succeed. If by chance it succeeds for the time being, people will not benefit but suffer from it. If the country is under a lucky star, the initiator of an unjust war will get punished. If the country has no luck, the criminal will survive… [Missing words]… Using the people to pursue one’s own ambition in violation of Heavenly justice incurs danger and chaos to the country, making it impossible to accomplish anything. Even if he can please himself for some time, nobody will benefit from the venture. This is the way of Heaven.


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