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The Yellow Emperor's Four Canons, 14: Order out of Chaos(黄帝四经14: 正乱)
By Anonymous Author
2008-04-21 08:11:28

(Translated by Sherwin Lu)

      Li Hei asks Ji of Tai Shan: 
    “Chi You is weltering in luxury and pleasure, and seizing more and more land by force and conspiracy. What should we do to stop him?”

    “Do not worry,” answers Ji, “The law of Heaven is just and consistent and the motion of the sun and the moon is regular and constant, never slacking off and forever commanding everything under heaven. The eternal law sets a limit to the satisfaction of anybody’s desires, beyond which things will turn against him. If he is indulged, he will surely ascend to the top limit of avarice and tumbles downhill. Let him have more and more till his unchecked greediness brings him disasters and losses. Yield to him step by step till he, being off guard, reaches the brink of limit and begins to fall. Elevate him till too high to stay safe so that he will have no time to regret before falling to destruction. Therefore, you do not have to worry.”

      Li Hei says: “Sixty battles have been fought and yet Chi You is still swaggering about, as if protected by Heaven. Thinking he is blessed by Heaven, he has no fear at all. Now it seems he has the support from both Heaven and Earth, what can we do?

      Ji answers: “Do not think he is protected by any divinity. Let us get prepared with one mind. I will pretend to acquiesce in his evil doings, letting him go his way to the extreme and get carried away by utmost gratification of his evil desires, and I will wait for the chance to deal him a fatal blow. You just watch silently. The persons in the upper positions just need to keep themselves upright while those in lower positions have their minds undisturbed: keep upright to administer Heavenly justice; undisturbed, to serve people’s needs. 
    “When heaven and earth began to assume different names, ten thousand things resulted naturally from the functioning of the Heavenly law. This law is eternally consistent but people split into the compliant and the incompliant. Do not panic; do not alarm. Let the wicked one reveal himself. Then I will follow his tracks and catch him when chance occurs, and then reshuffle the offices to have them keep faith with people.
    “Get ready without alerting him and the time will soon be ripe for action. I will check carefully the way he behaved in the past to find his Achilles’ heel and watch his future actions till a chance occurs for the decisive blow. Look into the past and watch the future for the right moment – this is the way to work wonders between heaven and earth. When his people rise against him, I will see that he meets his death that he himself invites.”

      Some time later, Ji says: “It’s time now. ” Then weapons are pulled out and soldiers mobilized. The Yellow Emperor goes to meet Chi You in person on the battleground and caught him. People flay his skin and make it into targets for arrow shooting training. Prizes are rewarded to high scores winners. They cut his hair, attach it to a flagstaff and call the mock flag “Chi You flag”. They stuff his stomach with hair to make it into a football and those who can kick it into a target pit for more times are rewarded. They chop up his flesh and bones, mix the mince with maror and invite people from all directions to suck it.

      Then, the Yellow Emperor admonishes his people in the name of Heaven:
     “Do not violate the regulations I made public; do not dump the meat paste I gave you; do not play havoc with the people I cherish; do not block the Heavenly way I follow. If anybody does what is prohibited, or wastes food, or creates havoc, or goes against the way of Heaven, that is, if he runs counter to justice or to the cycle of seasons, if he deliberately does what he knows is wrong, what he knows is not proper, what only satisfies his own desires but is against the law, if he stubbornly insists on having his own way and wages a war without a mandate from Heaven, then he should be treated as another Chi You.”

      On hearing this, people make an effigy of Chi You, which is bent-backed and in chains, and is made to serve as a prop. Finally, the Yellow Emperor says:
     “I hope you will all abide by the principle of justice I have pursued and never abandon the law I have followed so as to set an example for later generations.”

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